Safe Place

As I closed the door, the first thing I saw in the room I had just stepped into was a sign with the words Safe Place.
— I chose the right place — I thought, my heart still pounding a hundred miles an hour.
The second thing I noticed was the cozy scent of autumn: cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin spice. I closed my eyes, let my mind be transported back to happy memories, and felt like I had just woken up to escape from a bad dream into the safety of a warm bed.
The air had also the strong aroma of coffee, and I turned around to confirm that I was actually in a small coffee place. All tables were empty, but that was not surprising, given it was almost closing time. The only other person in the place seemed to be the girl behind the counter.
— I, I’m sorry, but I was about to close — she started, then she paused and asked — are you ok?
— Is that true? — I answered while showing the sign, still trying to breath normally.
— Yes, totally true — she said, quickly walking around the corner towards me— please come in and sit at any table. I’ll lock the door immediately.
I tried to find a table that seemed to be far enough from the door, while not too cornered, in case I needed to run again. While I was sitting I heard what seemed to be a dozen locks closing.
— That should be enough — she said — I double locked all the locks we have… again, are you ok? Do you need me to call somebody?
— I’m ok now, I just need to calm down, get my breath back and my heart rate down to normal. I am not a good runner.
It was easy to notice I was not one of those ultra fit girls that use to run a couple miles each morning. Being only 5'3, my 135 pounds made me look a little rounder than I wanted. I had tried gym subscriptions a couple times, but I always stopped going after a couple weeks, so I had decided not to continue throwing my money away. Normally, I did not care much about my body shape, but for some reason now I felt aware of it.
It was probably because I had time to see my host a little better now. She was around 5'6, long dark hair, had a nice tan skin — unusual here in the Northwest — and a long oval face in which her deep dark eyes shone when she smiled. The fact that she looked not only thin, but slightly muscular made me feel a little envious. But at the same time I was unable to stop looking at her in her tight jeans and short white top.
— Do you want something to drink? A glass of water maybe?
— Water would be good — I said — and then I’d love to try whatever smells so amazingly good — I added.
— Oh, that — she giggled, apparently a little embarrassed -. I was getting ready for the new drinks we’ll start offering tomorrow. You can be my little guinea… oh! Sorry, I mean you can be the first to try some of these new drinks… I’ll get that glass of water.
She practically ran behind the counter and ducked behind it. I could hear some glasses being moved carelessly. Was it my idea or she had actually run to hide the fact that she was blushing? It was probably my mind tricking me, as I had just realized that I resented the fact that she was out of view. It was not reasonable, I had just met her. The stress of the evening was probably affecting my common sense.
She stood up again, with a glass and a pitcher. She filled the pitcher with cold water and walked back to where I was sitting. As she set them on the table, she said, with a calm voice.
— Sorry, I think we should start from the beginning, I’ve been a little rude, I think. My name is Amanda. Nice to meet you.
— Oh… right. I just crashed in here when you were getting ready to go home, and have not even told you my name… I’m Prue — I said, noticing the discrepancy of my full name, Prudence, and the way I was acting -. Nice to meet you too.
— Well, Prue, if I may ask, what were you running from?
— I was walking towards the bus stop and ran into a group of guys that seemed to be a little drunk. Some of them started harassing me, or as they see it, “complimenting” me. Things started getting a little more offensive and when I told them to stop, they did not take it well.
I had to stop to drink a little water before continuing. At least I had recovered my breath. My heart felt still a little agitated, but I was not completely sure it was still consequence of me running.
— I may not have used the softest words, though. They started crossing the street, I got scared and ran away. I think I lost them around the corner, but I saw this door open and jumped inside. I’m sorry to bring my problems to you.
— Don’t be sorry, Prue. I’m happy to help. And if they are still there I’ll protect you! That’s not the right way to treat a cute girl — she said and blushed again— do you still want to try one of my drinks — she continued, changing the topic.
So she thought I was cute. I was about to say something, then stopped. I was probably taking a simple comment out of proportions, but I could not help a warm feeling coming from somewhere inside me. I decided to keep the conversation on hot drinks.
— Yes, the spice smells are screaming at me. What are your new creations?
— They are not my creations, Prue. But they are all new drinks we have not tried before. I have a Caramel Marshmallow Latte, Maple Latte, S’mores Latte…
— Maple Latte? — I interrupted — I’ve never tried that.
— It’s pretty good, but not my favorite, that would be the last in the list, the Vanilla Spice Latte, which has vanilla, obviously, but also cinnamon and nutmeg. It’s made with Colombian coffee and your option of milk, but I recommend whole milk.
— That sounds like exactly what I want to try. I’ll have to come back several days to try them all.
Amanda stopped suddenly halfway to the coffee machine, then continued.
— I’d be glad to see you again here, we open by seven, and we have fresh cookies in the morning.
— Do you prepare them here each day?
— Yes. I like baking them early in the morning. It’s part of my morning routine. I arrive here by 5:30, make the dough, bake them, then open the store. My morning employees, two young college students, arrive just before seven, so I can have breakfast while they receive the first customers.
— Fresh baked cookies and nice Colombian coffee, it sounds too good to be true.
— Yes, but it is one of my only quiet moments in the morning. After that it’s busy time, so I join the folks until 11-ish. By then I go to the gym to release all the morning stress and come back to help with the lunch rush. But too much talk about me. What do you do for a living?
— I graduated from college a year ago, and have been working as a bookkeeper since then. My morning routine is too boring to explain it, really. Just dripped coffee at the office, before starting to sort and register tons of receipts and invoices, lunch, then more receipts and invoices. No gym, as you may have noticed.
— Coffee is ready — Amanda said, changing subjects again, then she continued, moving with two large cups towards the table — Vanilla Spice Latte for you, and a Maple Latte for me, in case you want to try it.
The latte tasted as good as it smelled. It was delicious, warm, cozy, and distracting. Or at least for a moment I could fill my mind with the blends of fall, brewed into a marvelous cup of warm bliss.
— You should not feel bad for not going regularly to the gym — Amanda said abruptly -, you look amazing. Do you want to try the Maple Latte?
— Yes — I answered, not sure what to do with her comment.
— It’s not as good as it should be, but it’s ok. When you come again I’ll do my best to have it perfected.
— It’s pretty good — I said after trying it -, but I have to say that it pales compared to the Vanilla Spice.
What was I supposed to do? My head was saying that I had to be rational, that I was imagining things. The rest of me was pushing for a direct approach. But what if I was wrong? She had been helping me. She had been an amazing host. She probably offered something to drink to any person that came looking for help. She had that Safe Place sign because she liked helping people, of course. I should not be reading more. What if I said the wrong thing now? That would be extremely rude.
I wanted more, though. I did not want to come as a customer for a cup of amazing coffee each morning. I wanted to date her, to go out for dinner and drinks, to dance with her. I wanted to be part of her life, and that she was part of mine.
But what if I was wrong?
— You know — she started again — I don’t think it’s safe for you to walk home. I have my car parked on the back. We can use the back door and I can drop you to your house.
— I would like that — I answered quickly.
— Or… — she continued — you can sleep in my apartment.
I stared at her, incredulous. I was almost sure I was not reading too much now.
— I mean — she added abruptly, seeing my silent reaction — I have a guest room, you can lock the door if you want…
— I wouldn’t lock you out — I answered, sure now that it was what I had to say.
I stood up and walked the couple steps that separated us around the table, put my hand on the back of her neck and looked down into her eyes. I could see in them the same urge I have been fighting. I leaned on her and brushed her lips with mine. Finally, she pulled me down and kissed me back.
Next morning I had fresh cookies and amazing coffee for breakfast. The cookies were late for the first time in Amanda’s coffee, but I promised to help with the baking starting the following day.
Submitted at Reedsy Prompts for Contest #63 in response to: Set your story in a coffee shop that’s just introduced a new line of autumnal drinks.